Hospital pricing transparency – standard charges
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) established guidance for hospitals to make available a list of their standard charges online. Mission Community Hospital wants to help you make informed decisions about your care. We have created a searchable tool to allow patients to look up anticipated charges for healthcare services. Please keep in mind that it may not be possible to know ahead of time which services will be needed to address each patient’s specific medical needs. The tool provides an estimate of anticipated charges based on the available information. Click the button below to access the tool.
Charge Descriptions Master (CDM)
Our Standard Charges file includes information from our hospital chargemaster and payer contracts but does not reflect a patient’s financial liability. If you have insurance, we encourage you to contact your insurance provider to confirm your payment responsibilities, deductibles, and other insurance plan details.
The Standard Charges file is intended to comply with the CMS price transparency requirements.
- The hospital charges listed do not include patient-specific insurance deductibles or co-payments, potential self-pay, or financial assistance discounts and, therefore, do not reflect patient responsibility.
- In all cases, this does not include the prices for physician/professional services; this is for hospital services only
Machine Readable Standard Charges
The following Standard Charges Machine Readable File is posted in a CMS-compliant JSON file format. Per 45 CFR 180.20, Machine-Readable File format means “a digital representation of data or information in a file that can be imported or read into a computer system for further processing.
Our hospital used the recommended format/schema provided by CMS for developing JSON machine-readable files. The detailed schema can be found on the CMS Hospital Price Transparency Resources page.